The Badlands are just south of Interstate 90 heading west toward Rapid City (Mt. Rushmore, etc.). The French explorers dubbed the trecherous land "mauvaises terres" (badlands) because they were so hard to cross. According to the information center, crocodiles (or alligators, they weren't clear on this) and the predecessor to horses roamed the area at one point. I also learned that these formations were probably not here 500,000 years ago. Scientists think the area was a great salt sea that dried up, leavng soft rock and land that is easily eroded. The Badlands, they say, may not even be here in another 500,000 years. So you better jump into your cars and start driving, friends!
I captured this cow on (digital) film along a side road heading into the infamous town of Wall, S.D., just north of the Badlands. It was a beautiful sunset drive and I couldn't resist framing the cow. Long live the bovine!
This man, pumping my gas - you'll see why below -- was in the middle of asking me where I was from when I took this shot. He lives in the town of Interior, which is the middle of the Badlands. He's lived in California, Florida and elsewhere, but chose Interior because the climate suits him, and he likes the solitude. In the town of Interior, there is a post office, grocery (with lots of little liquor bottles), school, communications utility, playground, bar, church and some houses.
The grocery boasts one of the two gas stations in town. This one is comprised of a tank atop the bed of a pickup truck. The pump does not stop automatically, so you have to feel for it, or the gas will splosh all over you. I witnessed a man in a blue SUV get his hand drenched in gas. Fortunately, I got a little help at the pump.