Sunday, August 06, 2006

Guess the state

Wheat from the fields in this state comprise the second largest crops in the country.

"Indians, fur traders, military expeditions and settlers" traveled here, according to a historical marker at this site.

Some people I spoke to who live in this state called this area a desert.

Warning! The photo below might be a dead giveaway for those who have not guessed the state yet. I will tell you the answer in the "comments" part of this posting.

I was totally excited to see these apples at a grove off the highway. Of course, I had to stop and take a photo. I didn't steal any fruit, though.


Blogger Danielle P said...

The answer is: Washington.

If you guessed correctly after one photo: you are a genius!

If you guessed correctly after two photos: you are pretty darn smart.

If you guessed correctly after three photos: you are not dumb.

If you guessed correctly after four photos: you only paid attention the day you learned about Johnny Appleseed.

If you guessed incorrectly: Who cares in the grand scheme of things?

Sunday, 06 August, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have stolen the are a better person than I am. Where are you, anyway??? Will you be returning to Vegas?

Thursday, 17 August, 2006  

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