Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Kolob Canyons

Jessica, Amanda and Danielle on a bench at a stop at Kolob Canyons, part of Zion National Park.

Danielle, Jessica and Amanda pose as hiker Ethan, below, snaps their photo. It was a breezy, blue-skied day.

Ethan and his girlfriend were about to embark on a hike when we stopped him to take our photo.

The "crevice," as we called it, is visible in the rock.

We stopped by Aunt Judy's in Ivins, UT, to drop off some furniture for her garage sale. I dig her "Garage sale goddess" shirt.


Blogger Amanda Weikum said...

Hey, that guys name in Kolob Canyons was Tristan not Ethan :)

Wednesday, 06 May, 2009  

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