Monday, May 14, 2007

My new Sound

My new favorite radio show as I've been traveling so much is on Public Radio East, from eastern North Carolina. It's called:

The Sound
George Olsen
7:00PM - 12:00AM

I "listen live" and can hear this show, as well as my favorite all-time radio/news show, the Diane Rehm Show. My favorite radio/fun show is, of course, Wait! Wait! Don't Tell Me. This show, it turns out, is coming to SLC in May. Where will I be? Texas. Go figure. However, it does not have my dream team panel, which would be Roxanne Roberts, Paula Poundstone and Roy Blount Jr. How geeky am I that I have a WWDTM dream team? Anyone else have one???

From Deep in the Heart of Texas, Danielle


Blogger Keith said...

*raises hand*

The show I was present for in Ft. Lauderdale (does it make me a geek above you that I've been to a taping?) included Charlie Pierce and Paula. I'm sure I've told you about it, but in case your inner geek needs feeding, it was a show that they run periodically during pledge drives, more of a history quiz than a current-events quiz.

Over the weekend at Border's, I leafed (leaved? left?) through Roy Blount Jr.'s Long Time Leaving: Dispatches from Up South. Good, good stuff!

Wednesday, 16 May, 2007  

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